The Governing Body
Ebor Gardens Primary Academy is part of the Wellspring Academy Trust and is a federated governing body with our sister school Victoria Primary Academy, within Leeds.
A single governing body is responsible for both schools with three key roles:
- in consultation with the Trust, we decide the vision, ethos and strategic direction of our schools;
- we hold the Principals and senior staff to account for the educational performance of the schools and their pupils;
- we oversee the financial performance of the schools and make sure that money is well spent.
We formed a new Local Governing Body in October 2020 and have a compliment of governors who come from all walks of life within and beyond the local community in Leeds. These governors bring a wide skillset to the LGB which helps support the school from the quality of education to the business and financial aspects of school management. The details of the current members of the LGB are below.
Our Governors have a wide range of backgrounds, skills and experience which they bring to this important role, and meet at least every half term to look at all aspects of the life and work of the schools. Many of the Governors are linked with specific aspects of the life of the schools and make regular reports to the governing body.
Meet the Team:
Key Information:
- Link to Wellspring Academy Trust website –
- Governance Structures in Wellspring and key information a-
- Scheme of Delegation – Scheme of Delegation
- Attendance records 22/23 – LGB V&E Attendance Summary 2022-23
- Attendance records 23/24 – LGB-VE-Attendance-Summary-2023-24
- LGB Leavers – VPA EPA Term of Office (1)
- Declarations of Interest – VPA EPA LGB Declarations of Interest 2024-25
- LGB Constitution and Standing Orders –
- Formal Meetings: This is where the business of the Governing Body is conducted and follows the typical pattern of the agenda.
- Informal Meetings: These are opportunities for governors to meet and talk about wider school related elements including training and understanding specific areas in more detail. This might include Leaders within the school detailing their areas etc or be an opportunity to discuss wider issues relating to the school which can then be approved within the formal meetings.
Upcoming Meetings
- Monday 21st October 2024
- Monday 9th December 2024
- Monday 10th February 2025
- Tuesday 6th May 2025
- Monday 23rd June 2025
Key Contacts
Please address all correspondence to the Chair of Governors: Mr Michael Sanderson, Wellspring Academy Trust, Digital Media Centre, County Way, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S70 2JW
Interested in Becoming A Governor?
If you are looking for information regarding joining the Governing Body or for Local Governing Body minutes, please contact the Clerk to the Governing Body on 01226 720741 or emailing
Trustee Information
For information on trustees for Wellspring Academy Trust, please visit the website below: