At Ebor Gardens Primary Academy we are committed to providing a broad, balanced and effective education for all the children who attend our school.
We believe that homework is an important aspect of a child’s education. We believe it encourages children to realise that learning can take place outside the classroom as well as promoting independent learning thus encouraging the child to take great responsibility for their persona progress. Homework allows parents, carers and the school, to work in partnership for the benefit of their child. This policy is based on current government guidelines which emphasise the importance of homework and how it helps your child to learn. The guidelines include how much time pupils might reasonably be expected to spend on homework. The amount and type of homework we set is at a level which we believe to be reasonable and manageable as well as in line with the guidance provided.
Homework is anything that pupils do outside the normal academy day that contributes to their learning in response to guidance from the academy. Homework encompasses a whole variety of activities suggested by teachers and parents to support pupil’s learning. For example, a parent/carer who spends time reading a story to their child before bedtime is helping with homework.
Rationale for homework
To be most effective, parents, carers, staff and the children need to understand the purpose of homework. We believe:
▪ It reinforces skills which have been taught in school and gives children the opportunity to practice what they have learnt;
▪ It encourages self-discipline as the children take responsibility for their learning;
▪ It promotes independent learning;
▪ It provides teachers with the opportunity to support and extend individual children;
▪ It sets standards for life and children become accustomed to working at home, preparing them for secondary school and future employment;
▪ It encourages children to share their learning with parents and carers;
▪ It encourages parents and carers to become involved with their children’s learning.
We value the support of parents/carers and we believe that children will be successful if there is a strong partnership between home and school. We recognise that all children need leisure time and hope that our policy reflects a balance so children can extend and consolidate their learning with parental support while still allowing time to pursue other interests, play and enjoy free time. We firmly believe that homework should not prevent children from taking part in the wide range of out-of-school clubs and organisations that play a significant part in the lives of many children but we are committed to developing a strong work ethic in all of our pupils’ and do aim for 100% of pupils completing homework tasks weekly.
Aims and Objectives
▪ To enable pupils to make maximum progress in their academic and social development;
▪ To help pupils develop the skills of an independent learner;
▪ To promote a partnership between home and the academy in supporting each pupil’s learning;
▪ To provide educational experiences not possible in the academy;
▪ To consolidate and reinforce learning done in the academy and to allow pupils to practice skills
taught in lessons;
▪ To help pupils develop good work habits for the future.